welcome to the secret sommelier society

Welcome to your exclusive source of highest level wines, that have never been available outside fine dining restaurants. Your sommelier's choice at home.

Bottle Secret Sommelier Society Rheingau Riesling

the pandemic

Some of the finest wine couldn't be sold due to closing restaurants and hotels. Wine is our passion – so we wanted to do something about that. But who are we?

orange seperator

Meet the secret sommelier society

The squirrel

the squirrel

Pounces on the good stuff

Let me give you a little background about myself, I think this helps you understand what to expect from my recommendations. First up, I’m into the classics. I seek finesse, brilliance and elegance. So – and I know that some people will think less of me – I don’t dig orange wines. 15 % alc? Not for me – unless it’s old Sherry, Madeira, or Port. Let me say that again: PORT.

Wine is all about balance. And I prefer wines with  lower alcohol. After all, you enjoy the second bottle much more that way. That’s one of the reasons why I believe my last bottle will be a delicious Champagne or a light and crisp Riesling: I want it to be uplifting!

The pig

Hunts for the truffles among wines

When I started to work as a sommelier, the wine world was rather easy to understand: there was France, France, France, a tiny bit of Italy and some hidden treasures from Spain. And German Spätleses, of course. Aperitif? Champagne – without alternatives. Fish? Chablis and Sancerre, depending on the flavors used. Red meat? Bordeaux or Burgundy. Then all the sudden rules had to be rewritten with so many new wine regions, wine styles and producers constantly popping up. A true blessing when it comes to diversity and possible choices – but even as a sommelier you have to stay up to date on all that. My nose has been my most reliable friend in hunting for the white truffles among wines. Personal preference? Hell no: whenever I feel that a wine transports a message, I get eager to hear and understand it. And if I understand what the wine tries to tell me, then I tell the story …
the pig

The fox

the fox

Finds a way to the finest treasures

I’ll never forget my first wine: my father is a passionate wine collector and has always hoped I’d inherit his passion for wine. He would always hand over his wine glass so I could smell and take a tiny sip ever since I was a teenager. However, the first time I actually got offered a glass of wine was when I turned 16. My father still thinks this is the first time I drank alcohol and it is better to keep it that way as everything I had drunk at that time was sweet and rather high in alcohol. Anyway, back to my first glass of wine: 1988 Sassicaia. Yes, not too shabby. Guess that’s how I got hooked! Now after two decades in the wine business I still love Sassicaia – but I love all wines that manage to tell you something about their origin, the vintage, the terroir and the people behind it. They can be found anywhere on planet wine and I see it as my mission in life, to select the best wines to drink now and protect the ones from premature contact with cork screws that need more time …

Secret because

None of the wineries we deal with want their importers, retailers and other customers to know that they have unsold wine. The very next phone call would be someone telling them to discount their stock to unprofitable levels.

Winemakers are artisans

We only handle handcrafted wines from some of the world’s finest terroirs, made by winemakers we personally know and trust. But in order to make the best wines year in, year out, these guys need somebody to protect their back. And someone to present the wines to the right audience: wine lovers. You!

Trading treasures

Treasures are limited – so you will find each and every wine labelled by our society in low numbers for a short period of time. It's not going to become boring 🙂
Detailshot Secret Sommelier Society Rheingau Riesling

Our Rheingau Riesling

This dry Riesling from Rheingau is a high end blend of handpicked grapes from different grand cru vineyard sites in late September 2018. It is the best expression of its origin and vintage and now brutally delicious.